Stress Relieving Humor
- Arizona 1070 Bus Lines: Worried about Arizona laws? Relocate to the Golden State to avoid sheriff Joe Arpaio and his tent city.
Free transportation
- Mogee The Minutia Manager: Think your boss sucks? Just be glad you don't have Mogee as your supervisor.
Appreciate your boss
- Britney Takes It Off: Exclusive photo shoot with drug addled Britney. Wave a dollar her way fellas, and see what she does.
Tuck one in her bra
- The Incredible Flying Couch: An experiment in furniture physics from the third floor balcony.
Experience the couch
- Sausage Secrets: The unexplored world of Vienna Sausage.
Potted meat parade
- Psychic Burrito: No need to gaze into a crystal ball. The tortilla wrapped seuth-sayer reveals all.
Bean and rice fortune teller

- Test Your Tongue: How many different languages can you speak? See if you can translate these Spanish, French, German, Italian and Portugese phrases.
Translation quiz
- Geek Bike Project: Want to ride your bicycle after dark? You must have one of these magnificent asphalt illuminators.
Extreme bicycle light
- Get LIT: Libation Information Technology. Find the next happy hour in your area.
Find your libation location
- Cam of the Weak: Remember Ed TV and the Truman Show? KLorg cams are significantly more weak.
What the hell is that?
- Elvis Sightings: Oh, mama, it's him. The King of Rock and Roll, coming to a trailer park near you.
He's waiting, mama
Joke a Matic Brain