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K7LOL  Radio Room

The guest room doubles as my ham shack. Visitors are always welcome to sleep on the living room sofa. Seriously, the guest bed is a twin and there is zero closet space. Couch is better.

K7LOL radio shack and guest room

Which frees up the space for 24 hour adventures in radio. The adventure begins with a garage quality work bench / operating position. A little urethane does much for aesthetics. Power is supplied by 200 AH of solar battery. A skillfully fabricated wall-thru for cabling was made with a steak knife and PVC pipe. Stucco doesn't represent much of a challenge, even for a steak knife.

This year I picked up a Yaesu FTdx101D, an incredible radio. There is also a Yaesu 991A and a SPE 1.3K Amp. Radios get daily use into a variety of antennas. Since retirement I enjoy a lot of time in the shack.

Dave on the air in the K7LOL shack

The original operating position at K7LOL was an Ikea student desk. As you can see, I had stacked the heaviest hardware on top for maximum thrill factor in case the dog bumped into a desk leg.

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